Iran is a great place for a huge variety of bird species. The close estimate is around 490 different species that inhabit this region of the world. This is due to two major reason. The first being that Iran has a great range of habitats for different species to thrive in and the second reasoning due to the fact that Iran is positioned perfectly in not only one or two, but three major faunal regions that flourish with their own beauty. There are 8 different environments just within Iran that support different species of birds. In the true desert regions, species such as the Oenanthe Deserti, Podocespleski, and the Cursorius Cursor are able to with stand the blistering heat during the day and the cold desert nights. In the semiarid steppe of the desert or the foothills, birds such as the Buteo Rufinus, Pterocles Orientalis, and the Coracias Garrulus habitat this region of Iran. High up in the mountains, where the Laki people live is were we find birds such as the Aquila Chrysaetos, Gypaetus Barbatus, Apus Melba, Hirunclo Repestris, Prunella Collaris, and the Monticola Saxatilis. The Columba palumbus, Sylvia Atricapilla, and the Hippolais Icterina inhabit the small forested/wooded regions of Iran. In the hot southern lowlands, birds such as the Streptopelia Senegalensis, Turdoides Caudatus, and the Petronia Xanthocollis are able to survive under the low vegetation and blistering heat of the sun in the open dry lands that cover portions of Irans' landscape. In the Costal regions boardering Iran, species such as the Dromas Ardeola, Ardeola Grayii, and the Egretta Gularis enjoy the breezy environment provided by the Caspian Sea, Gulf of Omen, and the Persian Gulf. The last of the environments that Iran has to offer is the offshore islands. The Sterna Bergi, Sterna Repressa, and Sterna Anaethetus are some of the birds that inhabit these small off coast islands. Out of all these aviator species listed, it is still only a small description of the wide variety of species that inhabit the country of Iran.

Podocespleski: Desert
Coracias Garrulus: Foothills
Aquila Chrysaetos: High Mountains
Apus Melba: High Mountains
Prunella Collaris: High Mountains
Columba Palumbus: Forested/Woodlands
Petronia Xanthocollis: Hot Southern Lowlands
Ardeola Grayii: Coastal Habitats
Sterna Bergii: Offshore Islands
Pelecanus Crispus: Wetlands
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